比如買[美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考)可以直送到府或超商取貨 再也不必大包小包的扛回家
而且通常比店面便宜 如果剛好又有活動就更能撿到便宜
最近在網路上看到[美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 覺得價格很實在 深得我心
以下是[美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!
Great solution for elegant storage of razor and shaving brush
Facilitates air drying for longer brush life and better hygiene
Weighted base for stability with Rubber like, non-slip sole. IF STEM LOOSENS, POP OUT THE SOLE AND TIGHTEN SCREW. AS, YOU CAN SEE IN THE PHOTO.
Fits most brush and razor models. PLEASE NOTE: Although it fits almost all razors and brushes, it cannot possibly fit every type of razor and brush. PLEASE MEASURE YOUR BRUSH AND RAZOR BEFORE PURCHASING. If it still does not fit, then simply return it to Amazon.(The brush opening is a bit over 1 inch, and the opening for the razor is about 1/2 inch.)
Rubber like, non-slip sole. If the stem loosens ( which sometimes happens during shipping) simply pry off the foam bottom ( with you finger nails or a kitchen knife) and tighten the screw on the bottom!
The PerfectoTM offers a elegant solution to all the common problems associated with Razor and Brush shaving. Namely, the inconvenience, mess, damage to equipment, and even occasional injuries it can cause. Stored upright on their two-prong hangers, your razor and brush pose less risk of being improperly grabbed which can cause injury. In this position they also receive air circulation to facilitate faster drying, which helps extend their life and prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and rust. This stunning, chrome-plated design complements any bathroom decor with space-saving efficiency. The weighted base keeps it upright while the non-slip rubber like sole keeps it in place. The post features a textured midsection so it's easy to get a secure grip on it.
Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.5 x 6.2 inches ; 9.6 ounces
Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces
UPC: 703610497開箱文504
[美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
[美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 推薦, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 討論, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 部落客, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 比較評比, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 使用評比, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 開箱文, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考)?推薦, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 評測文, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) CP值, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Perfecto B00KO46CTA 刮鬍刀 放置架 Deluxe Chrome Razor and Brush Stand (merkur刮鬍刀可參考) 去哪買?
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